100th anniversary

We are celebrating 100 years of Akaflieg Darmstadt


Dear friends of Akaflieg Darmstadt,


We are celebrating our 100th anniversary!

Darmstadt has been home to an Akaflieg since 1920 and ever since then we have been developing, repairing and flying our very own prototypes – Plenty of reason to celebrate!

After having been forced to postpone all anniversary celebrations in 2020 because of the global pandemic, we are now finally able to celebrate a century of Akaflieg innovation!

We are excited to invite you to our 100th anniversary celebrations:

On the 15th of July, 2022, we will host an exhibition of all available Akaflieg prototypes – past and present – on Karolinenplatz at the city centre campus,

On the 22nd and 23rd of July, 2022 we are organising an aeronautical colloquium, a list featuring all of the lectures and presentations will be released soon,

And finally, to conclude the festivities, we have invited a host of guests to our ball on the 23rd of July, 2021 at 5 pm in the Otto-Berndt-Hall at the city centre campus, our dress code request is formal to cocktail attire.

Map of the area around Otto-Bernd-Hall at the city centre campus

Our limited edition anniversary book is still available on this website.

If you have any questions left or would like to support our celebratory efforts, just e-mail us at jubeljahr@akaflieg.tu-darmstadt.de.

We are very much looking forward to celebrating 100 years of Akaflieg and hope to see you soon, preferably at our exhibition, the colloquium or the ball.


Kind regards,

Akademische Fliegergruppe Darmstadt



Upcoming anniversary


AkaFlieg Darmstadt is one of Technische Universität Darmstadt’s oldest student groups: We turned 100 in 2020! To celebrate this important date, we are planning on organising multiple events that will provide insights into AkaFlieg’s 100-year history. These events will be public, not just targeting other students, but all aviation enthusiasts.

To create a more lasting account of the group’s journey to where it is today, we will also be publishing a book on AkaFlieg’s 100-year history which will include important events, significant developments and prominent characters.

A look back at our 95th anniversary celebration

All information on scheduled events will be posted on this website.

If you have questions about the anniversary events or would like to support our efforts to celebrate, just e-mail us at


We would like to thank all of our friends and partners for their support!